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Making Your Steel Building More Energy Efficient
Naturally, prefabricated steel structures are more energy efficient than other traditional types of building. With virtually waste-free construction, it already presents itself as a green building option; so it should be easy to implement other habits, add-ons and safeguards to ensure your steel structure is being run as energy efficient as possible.
Good Insulation
Having good insulation is one of the most important factors to having an energy efficient structure. You can take all the precautions in the world, but if the outside temperature is not being correctly regulated by way of insulation, all of the appliances and heating/cooling features inside the building will use and exert more energy than it should, working overtime to keep the temperature level and comfortable for working or storage.
Efficient Appliances
Depending on what the building is being used for, chances are that there will be some type of appliance there to heat, refrigerate, operate machinery or other processes. It’s important that these appliances are new and energy efficient items so you’re not using more resources, power and potentially creating more waste than you need to. Consider a heater that is not energy efficient that burns much more energy when in use as it tries to keep up with dipping temperatures, time, wear & tear and simply not being built for the purpose of conversing energy. This will have a negative impact on your utility bills over time and may also cause the appliances to deteriorate further and faster by running in a mode where it is consuming that much energy. Make sure you choose your appliances carefully; by doing the research and investing in the beginning, you will likely save money in the long run when it comes to utilities.
Location, Location, Location
As versatile as our steel buildings are, it’s important to consider the possibility that its location may have an effect on how it uses energy. If a building surrounded by trees, for example, the trees act as a natural windbreaker in colder climates and have a cooling effect in warm weather. Even the direction it’s facing can impact its overall temperature and have an effect on heating and cooling costs down the line. Southern exposure can make the most of winter warmth and being behind natural slopes or hilly areas can also create a natural wind block.
Shut It Down
This may be obvious to some, but it’s important to ensure you turn off the appropriate lighting, heating and appliances when it’s not in use unless it is absolutely necessary. It goes without saying that this is a frivolous way to spend extra energy but also one that can be easily avoided.
Regular Energy Assessments
Putting all these safechecks in place is great, but it’s imperative that you stay up to date on with assessment so you can identify any new opportunities for improvement. You may be missing a critical part in remaining energy efficient, or other circumstances may have changed that require your attention to fix or adjust so you can continue on the path of energy efficiency.
Consider these factors when building your next steel building so you can take full advantage of their energy efficient possibilities.