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Building Set Up Checklist

What you Need to Know Before Starting to Build a Steel Building

If you’re thinking about putting up a metal building in your backyard, there are a few things you have to do before you can have your building put in (or before you build it yourself). Otherwise, you may find that your building has some structural issues! You have to have a solid foundation on which to build. Here’s a list of what you need to know before you start building your building.

The Size

How large of a building are you going to put up? You need to know the measurements of your backyard, especially the part where you want your building to go. Don’t just estimate or eyeball it—you need exact measurements. Otherwise, you may estimate it too large or too small. Don’t make the mistake of assuming you know how large your foundation area is. Double check it.

The Location of your Utility Lines

This is a big one. You need to know where all of your utility lines are before you select where your building is going to go. Otherwise, you may put your building over your plumbing or buried gas lines. If you ever need to have any repairs made, your entire building may have to be taken down to get to them! You can call your utility companies and they will come mark the lines for you.

Is the Location Level?

You will need to have a perfectly level foundation for your building, so it’s important to make certain the area is level. You’ll want to remove the upper layer of the topsoil and level the area by hand or by using a small garden vehicle. However, before you do that, you should be able to eyeball it and decide if you’re going to need to add soil to part of the area or remove soil. If you need to add more, you’ll want to have the additional soil on hand. If you need to remove it, you’ll need to decide where the removed soil is going.

Do you Have the Necessary Materials?

Before you start to put up your building, do a check and make sure you have all of the materials you need to put together the foundation for your building. If you’re using pavers or actually putting down a cement foundation, do you have the wooden beams to block your foundation area? Do you have the cement needed? If you don’t have everything you need, you may get in the middle of the project and then realize you have to make a trip to the hardware store.

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