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Secrets to Keeping Pests Out


One of the best things about steel buildings is the fact that it keeps pests like termites and animals like rodents and birds away; but how? There’s plenty of amazing things about steel buildings, and its ability to keep these pests at bay to preserve the life of the building is just one of them. Wooden buildings are much more susceptible to these things thanks to the nature of the material as well as the way the buildings are usually put together. When it comes to steel buildings, it’s something that you don’t have to worry about as much and for good reason! Here are just a few of the ways that steel buildings work to protect itself from pests and animals!

No Wooden Trusses

Thanks to the trussless design of our steel buildings, one thing you won’t have to worry about is your trusses attracting birds right to it. These areas in other buildings give birds the perfect spot to perch and create nests. This is something that, after a while, will have a terrible effect on the quality of your structure. And it might not stop at one either. With wooden structures, there’s nothing stopping multiple birds from creating their homes within your structural space. Thankfully, with steel buildings this is one thing you actually won’t have to worry about, thanks to the fact that our steel structure don’t feature any kind of trusses in its design – meaning birds won’t have a place to infiltrate and settle into. From noise to bird droppings all over the structure, there are plenty of issues that are avoided when you go with prefab steel buildings.

No Metal Web Trusses

This isn’t just an issue in wooden buildings, though those tend to be the ones with the most problems. Some other forms of metal buildings come with web tresses at the very top – and end up seeing many of the same problems in terms of birds creating homes within the structure. Again, it’s important to remember that our steel building kits don’t require any type of trusses to support itself so this is an issue you won’t have. Thanks to steel being naturally stronger than wood, you only need rafter beams to bear the load of the structure. Other than that, you won’t need any additional features to hold it all together.

No Material To Burrow Into

Wood is a material that can be burrowed into and chewed through by animals like mice and squirrels as they search for a warm place to hibernate during cold months, as well as insects like termites who can cause serious damage to your wooden structure. Steel is a material that is resistant to these things, so you can rest assured that it will stay in great shape for years to come. Often times with these wooden structures, the damage might continue over the course of a few months or even years and worsen the condition of the building over time until it’s time for a complete overhaul.

There’s tons of things that make steel buildings the best construction option for your next project, and the fact that it can stand up to natural elements like pests and animals better than nearly any other building materials is a fantastic advantage.

For any questions or concerns about our steel buildings, call us today at 1-877- 363-5726

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